Innovative Policies for Development

virtual imageThe City of Turin is seriously engaged to develop  new effective tools and paths, mainly focusing onto the upgrade of urban areas and the reutilization of obsolete industrial sites. It generally aims to carry out specific participatory processes, easily graspable  from the potential customers as well as from the different partners concerned into the various development projects - citizens, other institutions, enterprises, academic field . Tha main target is  contributing to the implementation of a local development policy, strongly oriented to the enhancement of territorial peculiarities and directed towards promoting economic development, innovation and competitiveness.

The City is firmly convinced that the dynamics of local action and the interaction between different actors (public and private) can lead both to a profitable local development process and to a more transparent and participatory decision-making . It then works within the general framework of governance, as supported by the First Strategic Plan of The City and tries to operate with concertative methodologies, hence paying attention to this delicate historical moment, characterised by the changing productive path from an industrial economy to a services-oriented society. The activities are then directed to enhance practical governance experiences as well as innovative planning approaches.

Within this specific context, targeted and concerted interventions, set up at the different levels of governance, represent a challenge for the general re-thinking of a more dynamic role for Public Administration and above all Local Authorities, being engaged into the co-planning of development policies together with the territory actors and the final users of services.

Servizio a Cura del Settore Sviluppo Economico e Fondi Strutturali U.E. - Via Meucci, 4 - 10121 Torino

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