High training

Nowadays, within the context of the ever changing production patterns related to the deepening of globalization it seems to be more and more strategic and even necessary to invest and create entrepreneurial skills in order to produce high added value.
SMEs have to face a complex and high competitive market so that the public measures becomes essential especially in terms of supporting their knowledge, grow and innovation path as  well as building dedicated networks.
In fact young graduated increasingly need to access to training paths, in order to improve their education : high training represents a wonderful opportunity to diversify the education offer .
The City of Turin is working for a growth based onto knowledge and onto the development of innovative projects.


The City of Turin - together with the Province of Turin -  constituted a project-pilot concerning technological transfer  called “Turin Technological Transfer” (TTT) in 2004. at the moment It also contributes to the implementation of some projects aiming at the high training of young graduated and at the creation of high-level networks between the scientific/academic world and the entrepreneurial context. The partners are  : Corep , the so-called “Incubators of the  Polytechnic and of the University,  the Committee of the Galileo Program (master in satellite navigationand related applications) and finally the Foundation “Turin Wireless”.
In the forthcoming months the City of Turin and the Province of Turin, - together with the support of the Polytechnic, the University of Turin, the Industrial Union, API (Turin section), CCIAA (Turin section),  and the foundation “Turin Wireless” as well as with the managerial advising by Corep – are to manage a project related to the introduction of high-skilled and motivated young graduated within some SMEs, in order to build up some specific innovation plans -also within the context of doctoral programs – in strong relationship with the high research field. It is a strategic project for the territory in itself because it is strong oriented to provide the SMEs with high-qualified human resources.
It’s widely recognized that the SMEs have some general difficulties in introducing and managing innovation because of the lack of high skilled human resources related to the research field. In fact only a little percentage of this kind of high-skilled graduated manage to get absorbed by the academic world and that they generally experience some problems in collocating themselves into the labor market.
This initiatives represent then a good chance in order to value brilliant young graduated just through their engagement into the productive context.
The project awards the assignment of scholarships in favor of young graduated, whose activities will concentrate onto the implementation of an innovative project presented by a company, with the supervision of a researcher from the athenaeum of Turin. So each project will involve three subjects: the company, the young graduated and the academic supervisor. Corep, managerial coordinator of the Project , represents the  connection element as well as the operative organ deputed to the development of the related activities.

Servizio a Cura del Settore Sviluppo Economico e Fondi Strutturali U.E. - Via Meucci, 4 - 10121 Torino

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