Area ex Savigliano

Functional recovery and setting of the industrial area

HistoryArea Ex - Savigliano

SNOS, Società Nazionale Officine di Savigliano, was founded in 1879 in Savigliano and was then resettled in Turin in 1881, where it was famous for its production of metallic constructions and of mobile and fixed stock for the railroad. The company maintained its corporate name until 1970, when Fiat purchased it and became Fiat Ferroviaria. In 2000 the corporate name has changed again and Fiat Ferroviaria has been converted in Alstom, multinational corporation well known all over the world.

The intervention

The “Ex Savigliano” area, limited by corso Mortara, via Tesso, via Giachino e via Udine – just click onto the map to display the enlargement - and placed into the urban section of the left Dora Riparia riverside, is comprised into a wider urban planning project, called “Spina 3”, which is included in the general recovery program for industrial sites no longer used. This area, with a surface 20.860 mq., has been targeted as part of a huge functional intervention envisaged into the “Strategic plan for the promotion of The City of Turin”: the main focus is related to the activities fostering better conditions for the development of new entrepreneurships.

The recovery and revitalization project for the “Ex-Savigliano” industrial area
aims at the creation of a complex takeover structure, possibly able to answer at the same time to the needs of both traditional productive activities and to the innovative ICT ones.

The main activities are related in particular to the implementation of services and equipments for the enterprises, - both the new-coming and the already existing ones. The area focused for the intervention is located close to the Envipark and the Virtuality & Multimedia Park and it represents their “natural continuation and completion” . The existence of several areas oriented to the creation and the development of new technologies should concur to the economic growth of the City.

The investment

The intervention has been financed with a contribution of 10.481.300,2 euros, while the admitted funding was of 29.946.572 euros.

Servizio a Cura del Settore Sviluppo Economico e Fondi Strutturali U.E. - Via Meucci, 4 - 10121 Torino

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