Ex Fert

Tecnological park for research and developement of multi-media services

The History

Historically, F.E.R.T plants represent the original location where, for the fist time all over the world, in 1919, cinema production acquired its own present industrial characteristics.
The original combine goes back to 1919 and until the Thirties, it was subject to some renovations, in order to constitute a well-balanced set of studios and other buildings for the various cinematographic operations. Around the mid-sixties the cinema company F.E.R.T. end up its activities and its buildings became of property of the City of Turin: some of these buildings became then handicraft laboratories or dumps while the close bowling club was deputed to manage one of the theatres, which was then transformed into an indoor bowling ground.

The intervention

The area concerned within the project is located exactly where the ancient lower building of the cinematographic factory rose, more precisely it stands in the urban zone among Corso Lombardia, Via Terni and Via Forlì.

Cortile esternoThis site has already been subject to some requalification works and there actually is the Virtual Reality & Multimedia Park”, Scientific Telematic Park for Research, Development and Spreading of new multimedia technologies.

The intervention envisaged by the “FERT 3” Project concerns the completion of an allotment: this area is comprised into the so-called “Urban zone under renovation”, classed from the urban development plan of the city of Turin as area, which need radical city planning transformations as well as new plant setting.
That’s way this whole work has been included among those recovery interventions of no longer used industrial sites, in order to enhance building property as well as urban areas so as to give them back their original function, even if in a superior form: the priority is then to create a structure for audiovisive and multimedia production specifically related to the services supply for the small and medium concerns operating on this market sector.

The investment

The intervention has been financed with a contribution of 5.396.642,68, euros while the admitted funding was of 3.777.649,88 euros.

Servizio a Cura del Settore Sviluppo Economico e Fondi Strutturali U.E. - Via Meucci, 4 - 10121 Torino

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